Using persona

The persona is about deploying Dataverse to for local development or demo purposes.

See also is a very small and simplicity first Kubernetes distribution, targeted at use cases like (tiny) microservices, continious integration, internet of things etc. Compared to minikube, k3s is even smaller and more lightweight. You can run k3s on hardware, a virtual machine or in a Docker container.

Start with setup of

First, setup a single node K3s cluster. As noted above, there are multiple options for this - one of them, using k3d is described below.

As K3s removed all “in-tree” storage classes, you will need to provide one on your own. For simple purposes like demos or development, local storage is sufficient.

For getting started quickly, you can use on Docker easily with k3d. You’ll need:

Now create a small test cluster for this demo:

k3d cluster create -p "8080:80@loadbalancer"


Remember you need to expose the Ingress port, thus the -p "8080:80@loadbalancer". Ingress will be reachable via http://localhost:8080 later. See also k3d exposing guide for more options on exposing ports.

Let’s get ready to Dataverse…


Please be aware that the persona is using Kustomize to re-use the provided descriptors, but suited for usage with K3s. Please ensure having kubectl v1.14 or later installed or follow the kubectl installation docs.

Now start to deploy Dataverse plus any necessary services and bootstrap via Kustomize:

kubectl apply -k

When bootstrapping job finished (see kubectl get job,pod and logs), you can “just access” Dataverse. persona adds an Ingress route from your host to the service.


Wait a little longer…

../_images/k3s-wait-2.png ../_images/k3s-wait-3.png ../_images/k3s-done.png

Point your favorite browser to http://localhost:8080 and enjoy your freshly backed Dataverse demo.



Default login for this demo is dataverseAdmin:admin1. See Credentials and Secrets.

A word on deployment times

On a 2020 laptop with

  • 32 GB RAM,


  • Intel Core i7-8665U and

  • a fairly fast internet connection for image pulling

  • and Docker Hub behaving normal

it takes about 3 to 4 minutes from zero to hero, not including installation time for Docker, k3d/k3s or kubectl. Timestamps above differ due to Docker Hub problems.