Bootstrap Job

After deploying every components of Dataverse on Kubernetes for the first time (see the deployment step or more details at Behind the Scenes), you will need to bootstrap your installation. That will create a superadmin user, root dataverse and block important API endpoints.

It will also set the option :SolrHostColonPort, configuring where Dataverse can find the Solr Search index. It will default to solr:8983, but can be overridden by setting a hostname or IP in SOLR_K8S_HOST via ConfigMap (see Configuration).

When the very basic configuration has been done, the configuration given in the ConfigMap will be applied, like you would run a configure Kubernetes job.

To create a bootstrapping job, use kubectl:

kubectl create -f

!includeurl ""

actor User
participant "<color:#royalblue><$secret></color>\nSecrets" as S
participant "<color:#royalblue><$cm></color>\nConfigMap" as CM
participant "<color:#royalblue><$pod></color>\nPostgreSQL" as P
participant "<color:#royalblue><$pod></color>\nDataverse" as D
participant "<color:#royalblue><$job></color>\nBootstrap Job" as BJ
participant "<color:#royalblue><$pod></color>\nSolr" as Solr

create BJ
User -> BJ: Deploy Bootstrapping Job
S -> BJ: Pass db password\n+API key
CM -> BJ: Pass settings
BJ <<-->> P: wait for
BJ <<-->> Solr: wait for
BJ <<-->> D: wait for

... After Dataverse, Solr and PostgreSQL have been reached successfully... ...

BJ -> P: Additional SQL init
BJ -> D: Bootstrapping w/\n(Metadata, user, root dataverse, ...)
activate D
BJ -> D: Configure Solr location\n+ admin contact
BJ -> D: Block API with unblock-key
D -> P: Store settings
BJ -> D: Configure Dataverse DB-based\nsettings via API (like a Config Job)
D -> P: Store settings
destroy BJ
