Initial Deployment

Please familiarize yourself with the architecture of Dataverse if not already done: it helps a lot knowing how things are connected in Dataverse to also understand using it as a Kubernetes application.

The below UML sequence diagram shows all necessary steps by “you” (the user activity on the left) or (preferably) your deployment framework (like, Helm or similar) on your behalf for a new deployment of Dataverse. It also explains what happens in the background on an overview level.

When you are done with the initial deployment, you have to bootstrap (and configure, which is done during bootstrapping, too).

Maybe you should just read Getting started and follow that before going into details.


Choose stable Glassfish 4.1 based images or experimental Payara 5 based with corresponding image tag. See Image “dataverse-k8s” for available tags.

!includeurl ""

actor User
participant "<color:#royalblue><$secret></color>\nSecrets" as S
participant "<color:#royalblue><$cm></color>\nConfigMap" as CM
participant "<color:#royalblue><$pod></color>\nPostgreSQL" as P
participant "<color:#royalblue><$pod></color>\nDataverse" as D
participant "<color:#royalblue><$pod></color>\nSolr" as Solr

create S
User -> S: Deploy Secrets
create CM
User -> CM: Deploy ConfigMap
note over P: Optional!
create P
User -> P: Deploy PostgreSQL
CM -> P: Pass username +\ndatabase name
S -> P: Pass password
P -> P: Init database

create Solr
User -> Solr: Deploy Solr from iqss/solr-k8s
Solr -> Solr: Init container:\nFix volume permissions\nDeploy schemas

create D
User -> D: Deploy Dataverse from iqss/dataverse-k8s
D -> D: Init container:\nFix volume permissions
D <<-->> P: wait for
D <<-->> Solr: wait for
D -> D: Deploy app
note right: see also in detail at\n"Container Startup"
D -> P: Persistance Framework:\nCreate tables
P --> D: Done
