======================= Credentials and Secrets ======================= The Dataverse Java EE application needs to access remote resources like a PostgreSQL database or a persistent identifier service like DataCite. For this you'll need credentials, which are meant to be kept secret. Credentials in Dataverse application container ---------------------------------------------- Credentials used in Dataverse may be found in the upstream `Installation Guide `_, mostly in the `config section `_. Besides the credentials, you might need to think of certificates, too, depending on your actual setup. Your mileage may vary. Concept ^^^^^^^ The basic idea behind credentials used in the Dataverse application container based on the :doc:`dataverse-k8s image ` is using environment variables to promote them. These mechanisms are described in :doc:`config`, too. Non-Secret Materials ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can provide credentials directly as environment variables from your ``Deployment``, ``PodPreset``, ``ConfigMap``, ``Secret`` et al. When not using Kubernetes, environment variables is still a widely used concept. Silent Secrets ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Please keep in mind that passing in *secret* information like a password, key or similar should be done otherwise. For these, you can mount files at certain places (see :doc:`image documentation `), which will be read and piped into an environment variable, crafted into a JVM password alias, configuration files, etc. Example: PostgreSQL connection ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This example is about the PostgreSQL credentials and can be adapted to different use cases. It uses the Kubernetes concept of ``Secrets`` (see below). More examples can be found at ``/personas/demo/secrets.yaml``. .. code-block:: bash kubectl create secret generic dataverse-postgresql \ --from-literal=username='dataverse' \ --from-literal=password='changeme' \ --from-literal=database='mydataverse' Executing the above will create a ``Secret`` in your Kubernetes cluster. It could be used in the ``Deployment`` like this (excerpt) to configure username, password and database name for the Dataverse PostgreSQL service: .. code-block:: yaml :emphasize-lines: 7,10-11,16-17,20,26-27 kind: Deployment # ... spec: containers: - name: dataverse image: iqss/dataverse-k8s env: - name: POSTGRES_USER valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: dataverse-postgresql key: username optional: true - name: POSTGRES_DATABASE valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: dataverse-postgresql key: database optional: true volumeMounts: - name: db-secret mountPath: "/opt/dataverse/secrets/db" readOnly: true volumes: - name: db-secret secret: secretName: dataverse-postgresql Example: Admin account password ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The password for the superadmin account ``dataverseAdmin`` defaults to **admin1** when you install (precise: bootstrap) Dataverse on Kubernetes. Create a ``Secret`` first (or use some other way to get the password into the file). (For a complete ``Secret`` example, have a look at ``/personas/demo/secrets.yaml``) .. code-block:: yaml kind: Secret # ... metadata: name: dataverse-admin # ... stringData: password: admin1 If you did not use the default ``dataverse-admin`` name for the secret, you will have to adapt the boostrap ``Job`` spec with your secret name. During bootstrap, the mounted secret at `${SECRETS_DIR}/admin/password` provisions your password while creating the account. A less secure way is to provide it as environment variable `ADMIN_PASSWORD`. .. hint:: Using a password not matching the enabled password policies will force you to provide a new password on first login. See the `Dataverse guides `_ for more details. .. danger:: You really should change it to something more secure when not used for ephemeral purposes. .. note:: 1. This default password is the same as `IQSS/dataverse-ansible `_ uses. 2. This is a bootstrap-time-only option. You cannot reset your password this way. How to use secret informations within K8s ----------------------------------------- Keeping things secret in a Kubernetes cluster needs attention at a few places: - Secure storage at rest - Secure distribution in/across cluster - Secure usage in containers For production environments, you really should be looking closely at all of this. Every admin admires sleeping at nighttimes and not putting out fires. Secure usage ^^^^^^^^^^^^ The most important thing to understand is how to deal with secret information when configuring Dataverse and using services. Obviously you will need to inject the secret data into running containers. There are multiple ways to do so, but to be safe there are "best practices": 1. Use `Kubernetes Secrets `_ to store secret information. No excuses. 2. Prefer `mounting secrets as (memory-backed) text files `_ in containers rather than pushing into environment variables (easier to sneak on those than files). Read more about `securely injecting credentials in containers `_ in the upstream documentation and below. .. note:: For bigger clusters, applications, levels of security, etc. this might be insufficient. You should read articles on third-party tools, like `this `_ and others. Secure storage and distribution ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Right under the container level there are some other attack vectors, where a maleficent guy could sneak on your secrets: 1. Cluster communication between your services, K8s services and K8s nodes 2. Stored secrets, used harddisks There are checklists for being production ready with a K8s cluster. Use 'em. `Example `_. Some basics (taken from `here `_): - Secure communication by using TLS wherever possible. - Especially secure communication with ``etcd``, which holds your secret data decrypted. - Let ``etcd`` `encrypt its data when at rest `_. You should also think about your deployment workflow for secrets. It might be a good idea to use tools like `Vault `_. If you like `GitOps `_, take a look at the `concept of sealed secrets `_ (multiple implementation around).